class="wp-caption-text">Keyhole 11 satellite, imaged in orbit about 600 km (360 miles) away. Image courtesy Ralf Vandebergh.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Spying on a Hubble Telescope Look-Alike
Amateur astronomer href="">Ralf Vandebergh from the Netherlands is becoming well-known for his ability to capture images of the href="" class="alinks_links" title="" rel="external">space shuttle, space station and other satellites in low href="" class="alinks_links" title="" rel="external">Earth href="" class="alinks_links" title="" rel="external">orbit. Recently, he tried his hand at something a little more distant: The Keyhole 11-4 satellite, which href="" class="alinks_links" title="" rel="external">orbits at about 600 km (360 miles) above the Earth. The KH-11 series of satellites was the first American spy satellite to utilize optical digital imaging, and create a real-time optical observation capability for reconnaissance of other countries. There were about 10 of these satellites, launched by the American National Reconnaissance Office between December 1976 and 1990. These satellites are about same shape as the Hubble Space href="" class="alinks_links" title="" rel="external">Telescope ? a cylinder with href="" class="alinks_links" title="" rel="external">solar arrays on each side, but a little bigger: according to href="">Wikipedia, the KH 11's are thought to be about 19.5 meters (63 feet) long, while Hubble is 13.1 meters (43.5 ft) long. Hubble's orbit is similar, at about 353 miles (569 kilometers), but a big difference is that while Hubble is pointed out towards space, the KH 11's are pointed back at Earth, looking at the happenings of humans.
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