Sunday, August 1, 2010
Bulls-Eye on Mars and, Apparently, an Industrial Complex
Here's some doses of coolness and craziness for your Friday. This top image is one of the latest from the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and shows what looks like a target on the Red Planet. Researchers from the HiRISE team aren't sure yet whether this is two impacts — one impact that occurred dead center within another — or just unusual subsurface layering within one impact. I'm voting for two impacts, just because it is such a cool, lightning-strikes-twice concept. While no ejecta from the interior crater can be seen, the team says the ejecta could have been removed by extensive periglacial modification. Additionally, the floor fill around the inner crater resembles impact ejects elsewhere at this latitude, and some of the "landslides" to the East could be flow-back of ejecta off the walls of the larger crater. Likely the team will be looking closer at this impact to sort out the history and likelihood of a double impact. (UPDATE: I just saw that the href="">Bad Astronomer has posted a more detailed CSI into this image, which you should read!)
Now, this next one is the crazy part…
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